Nature’s greatest ally for climate solutions

For millennia, our oceans have helped absorb carbon dioxide produced by humans and wildlife. Today, however, as a result of significant fossil fuel emissions, they are no longer able to keep pace with the amount of carbon being introduced to the atmosphere. As a result, phenomena such as ocean acidification are leading to catastrophic consequences for both marine life and our planet in general.

Climate change is, of course, a complex issue. And no solution on its own has the answer. But in addressing the damage done to our oceans, ocean-based carbon dioxide removal is a vital means of restoring balance and stopping further harm.

The need for affordable ocean-based CO2 removal solutions

In order to reach the UN’s goal of climate neutrality by 2050, it is essential that ocean-based carbon dioxide removal technologies are ready for widespread adoption and cost effectiveness.

Currently, the two frontrunning methods for taking carbon dioxide out of our oceans are too costly to achieve the scale required to meet the UN’s targets. Both Direct Ocean Capture (DOC) and Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement (OAE) employ electrochemical seawater treatment processes that entail high energy and equipment costs.

The Brineworks technology is designed to overcome these issues, allowing DOC and OAE approaches to be conducted more affordably. In doing this, we will lead the way in reversing some of the harm wrought on our oceans.

Brinework’s technology is versatile. Its modular design can support both OAE and DOC. It also scales easily and cost-effectively to fit various project sizes.


Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement (OAE) increases the ocean's capacity to absorb atmospheric carbon dioxide by increasing seawater alkalinity.

In this method, seawater is electrochemically split into an acid and base stream. The base stream is added to the ocean, raising the water's pH and allowing it to absorb more carbon dioxide in a stable, dissolved form. This method helps in reducing atmospheric CO2 levels and reverses the effects of ocean acidification, all while enhancing the ocean's role as a natural carbon sink. The acid stream is generally neutralized with abundant ultramafic rocks.


Direct Ocean Capture (DOC) is a method that chemically removes carbon dioxide from seawater.

Seawater is electrochemically split into an acid and base stream. The acid stream is added to seawater in a closed system, which liberates carbon dioxide from the seawater. After the carbon dioxide is removed and piped away for permanent storage, the base stream is added to the acidified seawater to restore its pH before being released back into the open ocean as de-carbonated seawater. At this stage, the water can draw down carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as it re-establishes its natural equilibrium. Removed carbon dioxide is then stored in deep geological formations to ensure permanence.